Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Module 6 Choropleth Mapping

Module 6 lab was to create one map showing percent of change by states between 1990 and 2000. The 2nd map was to calculate the changes per division. This was to be created in Illustrator with the 2nd map being in grayscale. It was a little tricky just trying to get the grayscale to work good enough to see the differences.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mod 5 - Hispanic Population, Florida

Module 5 - The map was composed using Adobe Illustrator. A few items I remembered that helped me out alot was:
Use the Select - to find all of the same fill color - made it very easy to keep the legend and the map color consistant.
Use the Lock and Eye for the layers - Locking and unlocking those that you are not using helps me in only working with layers that I want.
Group/Ungroup - this helps in alignment and moving
I always try to add a date to all maps.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Module 4 Florida Keys in Illustrator

This module was for creating maps with map element and typography considerations. Although I have worked in Adobe Illustrator, it was a while back and not as easy with just one monitor for opening different windows. Yes, I am spoiled. I do enjoy working in Illustrator.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Module 3 Data Classification

Map 2 shows the natural break classification. I chose this as the more appropriate classification method for this data as it takes into account natural grouping in the distribution of the data.

Module 3 Data Classification

Map 1 of the assignment is to show all 4 classifications of the percent of African Americans in Escambia County. We were asked to symbolize the percentage based on 4 different data classifications. ESRI's software makes this relatively easy however you still need to know what the differences in classifications are and when they are appropriate to use.